Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan said once “Hinduism is not just a faith. It is the union of reason and intuition that can not be defined but is only to be experienced. Evil and error are not ultimate. There is no Hell, for that means there is a place where God is not, and there are sins which exceed his love”
If god could be seated at one place then worshiping him geographically would have been much easier. Now that the world is segregated into so many parts and that the god is omnipresent, the bridge in-between too needs to be diversified. Today, spirituality is modernity influenced and so is reaching across the seas. At a large extent, lot of Hindu priests are getting opportunities abroad for performing religious rituals and take up related activities. Diplomas in spiritual studies and similar areas are bringing the practicing priests chunk of jobs abroad. Indians staying in Singapore, Canada, USA, and others are demanding well-educated priests for undertaking all the religious rituals. Must say these jobs are well paid and offer a great living. There are various Gurukuls and institutions like Sanskrit School in Varanasi which offer proper studies. The products of these are often send abroad to work as priests in temples and also lecturers in foreign colleges.
As a matter of fact, lot of young men who are abreast with Sanskrit terms, the language and worshipping details are showing interest because of the money influence. no doubt, the job of a priest involves intense study of Vedas, Shastras and other holy books too, which is a well demanded thumb rule in the process. In addition to it, the profession strictly puts barricade on consumption of non-vegetarianism, alcohol, smoking and others addictions. Moreover, one cannot wear western influenced clothes and is expected to wear Dhoti and Kurta with a small pony tail on head which completes the attire of a Hindu priest. The toughest part being, leading a life completely in celibacy and restricting oneself from nuptial knot and not involving in activities related to sex. Considering the western influence that is changing the present Indian generation at 180 degrees, adhering strictly to the rules is just not easy. Though at the same time, I must add there are Gurukuls where in-depth study of religious Hindu books is done and as a lecture given to students. The spectrum of the religion is so diverse that lot of foreign people are pursuing studies in it and aspire to scholar one day. In fact there are courses offered in Hindu studies in Oxford. The religion seeks a new face and revolution all over again. Not many of us know that Niels Bohr, the famous physicist who developed the Bohr model of the atom preferred going through Upanishads to ask questions. The most striking part of this religion that most us ignore is that somewhere the country is identified by the religion.
What you call it when the saga of the great religion turns into courses and followed by profession, is it healthy to pay to get good worships or train someone. Today, we play music player to listen to Hanuman Chalisa and others holy prayers. The religion is the seed behind Buddhism and relates to many aspects of fundamentalism. So, will the Hanuman remain a good omen and reside in the pockets of Obama?
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