Monday, June 28, 2010

If ever letters were delivered!

Mr. Shrama planned a holiday with family to Ziro in North East to their distant relatives. These relatives encompassed an old couple who happen to be Sharma's Uncle and Aunt and have been staying there for ages but no contact. In order to make a stay, he sends letters about their arrival, but no reply yet they plan to go. Phone was completely out of reach. On reaching, they realize the place where the couple lives is blessed with abundance of nature though pretty isolated. The flaura and fauna kept the family astounded for a while.

Happily as scheduled, the family stays for a week during when they develop strong attachment with the old couple. They are fed well and treated at their best. Time comes to part. On the last day, the Sharmas plan to eat outside with the older ones. The couple avoids the offer on account of their medication and age. The Sharmas still plan to eat in the market area way far from their house. They come back and find the couple missing and also the furniture and several other things at home accept their luggage. ''No couple ever stayed here'', said a passer by.

Window needs to be designed again!

Its been a month now that construction just got finished in our flat. For long masons kept coming for all cementing and various other activities. But the chimney next to our flat keeps the vicinity always polluted and keeps it chaotic as well. I thought of shifting so many times wondering it’s hazardous with the health perspective. But then buying house all over again is not that easy these days, so we planned to construct an extra room on our terrace. In the process, we did not realize that a small bird was also constructing a dwelling for itself. Not sure what species did it belong to, I noticed later that each day, it would bring a twig and add to make a small nest. The minute design details kept me speechless for a while. Meticulously created, I envied the architecture to that of mine.

In fact after noticing the miniature castle, I had to strictly ask my laborers to avoid breaking the nest and make sure the bird's eggs were not destroyed. Meanwhile, I got busy in settling my things in the new room and my masons continued doing the finishing touch. It was laborers last day at work after a hectic schedule of six months. Once I was done, I thought of checking the whereabouts of the nest and see if the offsprings came into the world or not. I went and found it missing. Surprised and sad, I tried searching it in the nearby areas. Masons came and said, ''Madamji, the bird stopped coming after some days when you got busy with the settlement. In the meantime, we saw the offsprings screaming. Thought of telling you but those died too. Kya karein? (What to do) so much of polluted air keeps coming this way. We still suggest you to think on the window design again." I kept mum.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Food for thought!

A writer who writes and does not commit any mistake in his writing is not a writer.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My win win story!

A fight that goes on in my mind
With sheer grit I finally find,
I will fight and I will win
Will have a roaring success
at a twist of spin.
Hail to the challenges,
Those bad omens
And those evil eyed men and women
You make me more burning and more fuming
The victory awaits me
Locates my junction
One day, I too will have a mansion
I will be a part of crowd
The one which I respectfully always vowed
Where I will reach
And the world will see
Thats my win win story!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Book Review

Name of the book: Two States

Author: Chetan Bhagat


The book shares the real life story of the author on his inter cultural marriage and the interesting phases he passes through to make it possible. Written in very simple and crisp English, the linguistics give a very Indian feel. In places, visible earthy effect can be felt and thus, makes it everybody’s read. The lead characters that is the author himself and the girl ‘Ananya’ (his present wife in real life) study together in IIM. Impressed by the lady’s charm and beauty, the hero races against the other admirers to win her. Realizing the fact that she belongs to rich Tamil Brahmin family, hero imagines if he ever could match his Punjabi background. He decides to propose her and make her his wife. Then follows the process of wooing her and proposing her for marriage. The story highlights on youth being involved in physical relationship, smoking and alcohol too.

The story projects outstanding humor which feels like someone is sharing it verbally among friends and later penned it down. The lines easily bring smile while you progress with the reading. Few areas where you cannot keep your light laugh away are; description of Ananya’s family members, convocation and their wedding. The entire story encompasses interesting characters such as the parents from both sides, her spectacled brother and lastly not to forget Chetan’s aunt. In the middle of the comedy of various errors, comes is in a serious element of Chetan’s father who happens to be strict and unfriendly at home. His rude behavior and ignorance towards family influences the hero to great extent and also shows how he is emotionally affected. Later, it relates to the girl’s father who is not impressed at all with the Punjabi cuisine or the people which makes it tough for Chetan to pursue his dream. The story deals on how he impresses his in-laws and convinces his parents on the other side. The language troubles he encounters while staying in Chennai and the description he gives for it makes us notice of his good observation power. His strong sense of humor and yet tough journey to chase his lady is what the entire book offers. Yes, the expressions have been presented really well. This gives us a clear idea of smart writing a real life story showcasing good and bad aspects of life thus, maintaining a strong balance.

Since, the language is in very easy English, the reader is not bored in the midway which is why it is nonstop read. Not being boring is the most striking part of the novel and no wonder why we understand the book is best selling till date. His previous novels too have witnessed remarkable success and have given a run for money to many writers such as ‘One night at the call center’, ‘five point someone’, and ‘Three mistakes of my life’. Minimum usage of tough English words, fun filled dialogues and an unbeatable chemistry between the lead actors make the book a must read. The comic timing is apt and marks its effect in the further read. In addition to it, the novel being economical in purchase is giving tough competition to well known writers in market? Without losing on connection with the reader, he manages to share feelings of anybody who did inter cultural marriage. Though the book is a good time pass but doesn’t relate to everybody in life. In nutshell, the book is the best read to kill time in any boring journey and can be recommended too.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Through the eyes of an old man

Its been 35 years since I am traveling down from Bhopal to Hoshangabad each day for work and then return. My government job as a clerk or normally called as Babus keeps me at bay from this Americanized work hassles. Sometimes, I keep wondering just some time back, we won over our independence and the gap brought us to 14 hrs job profiles, sitting in front of computer endlessly typing and on contradiction, it pays you hunky dory which I still dream of. Anyways, this is how the present world works.

Just the other day, I was travelling as usual and took a passenger train of long distances. Met an interesting Bengali family which was travelling from Chennai to Delhi. Realized the son was way far talkative and could make a radio jockey run for his money while the daughter seemed to be quite just as the father who preferred to sit by the window. On the other hand, mother and son continued speaking aloud and make their presence felt in the entire bogie. As the train passed from the thick woods of Madhya Pradesh, finding me a localite, the family poured in with questions; 'how far is your destination?', 'what is height of these plains?', 'Is government making constructive plans for these dense forests?' and the questions so followed made me a central authority managing the entire state in short while. Realized, diplomacy can reach to heights and that the best usage of god gifted tongue is the best healer in the days of ordeal. The young man of the family managed to pay some money and grab a seat as they did not have an extra seat which seemed so. The conversation later told me that the young man was going to participate in common wealth games in Delhi and that it was difficult for him to travel without AC. Infact, he was travelling for the first time like that in such trains while on the flipside rest of the family was well settled without complains. Once full interrogation over MP was done, it was my turn to ask how was capital welcoming Common Wealth. Different people, different opinions, the four members gave various insights. While mother found daily things are coming expensive but yes plantation of trees is an advantage. On the other hand, father found difficulty in mapping out the new routes in Delhi and how infrastructure is developing at a twist of moments. Lastly, daughter found metros a big relief and that the nearby regions of Delhi too are connected so less difficulty is faced.
The son had different story, he was too busy with his preparations and was not much bothered with the developments that took place off late. Political, social and economical and a bit psychological, conversation started and ended. Finally, my destination came and hastily, I preferred to get down. It was too much of talking. After many days, I came across the news on television which had the same young man holding a certificate for participation in the inauguration of Common Wealth involoving chess championship. Ecstatic, I told my people that I knew the guy as I pointed out to him. He stood in the crowd but could be easily distinguished with the certificate he was holding. He was proudly shaking hands with dignitaries and was accompanied by inmates who were holding him with pride and getting clicked. Surprisingly, I did not see the family whom I saw in train. My mind revolved around back to that phase and I realized, they were just separate passengers like me and the only thing that made them talk was the one language.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Men vs Men

Chase for Adonis has been lurking since the ages of Cleopatra when all that you wanted were good looks and one's charm. Fascination for fair skin, a good height and intellect is in demand proving the statement 'My-man-most handsome' topping all the charts. Throughout the world, this god's creation lies in diversity. Pass through the thick and roaring jungles of Africa which witness men in black skin though don’t offer much natural glamour, yet, the world goes gaga over Henry's kick at Arsenal, Will Smith's power shot act and lastly Obama's speech. Rest of the world comprises of white skin in majority hailing from Europe, Germany, Russia, America, Latin America and white people in Africa.
The ratio includes the Italian men renowned for their extremely charming looks and locks. The Great Britain proudly manifests to possess the most gentlemen on Earth who have all that it needs to woo a lady. Chinese and Japanese fill the blanks when no men are left on Earth. Its Asia calling when God's bakery was half way and men popped out in middle. The dusky skin with intense eyes is all needed to set pulse rate high. Precisely speaking of India, obviously, we'll speak because I am an Indian. Men alone come in large variety which is equal to all men available in the rest of the world today. Kashmir offers men of similarity with apple skin and incredible innocence. Deep down South India, men exhibit a fierce belonging for not only their language, culture but also their Veshti, Lungi, thick mustache and jet black hair to die for.
But there is more story behind the traditional looks of South Indian men. Its a common assumption in the nation that men in great South are deprived of looks which the rest of the world boasts of equally. Not many infact not many Indians know that these men happen to be among the best product the country can ever give to its people in terms of amazing charm. Hindu Brahmins, say Iyers to be precise; witness buttery skin color which gives tough competition to Kashmir up in the hills. Coming down to the God's own country, men especially in Kottayam and nearby are closer to perfection and indeed god's creation. If you thought only Hrithik could manage to ape Italiano, men in Kerala don’t ape but are real. Their terrific fair skin calls for a testing. The major reasons are most of the people in this region are Christians by faith majorly belonging to communities called Canaanites and others (their forefathers hailed from Israel and migrated from there and settled in Kerala). John Abraham though does some justice in the skin biased society outside and thus stays, attached to his roots in Kerala.
To top it all, its not all cheeks that rate them high but also an unparallel intellect which makes them 'too-good-for-a-catch'. The two sides of the country cannot be parted away where and when looks are discussed. Bengal offers intellect again in abundance and plays some hide and seek with looks. And talking of Rajasthan and Gujarat, even I am pretty scrooge in using extra character count. Hail to the land of unbelievable contrasts that is India....!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Girl in India

I drive at 17
Thats fashion
I smoke, I drink
Thats fashion
I am killed before birth
Thats fashion
I was beaten because I loved
Thats fashion
I am a girl in India
Thats fashion